Mid Merry Yoga

Sunday Rest & Release
with Mid


March 30 (Sunday)
at 2:00 pm (GMT+09:30)

Class length
60 minutes

Home Studio

Join me for an 1 hour of Deep Rest, Release & Restoration

Accessible Pricing:
you choose what is doable for you. between $5 -$25. 

This has become my signature rest class, not quite Yin, not quite restorative or meditation. 

Most of us need A LOT more rest than we're getting ~ but we often struggle with having the time, the space, the capacity. 

Many of us ( including myself) often struggle with dropping into the stillness - we have tight muscles, a restless nervous system, a mind that we think we need to quieten and WAY too many things to do. 

This class begins with some gentle and accessible movement, then some myofascial release, using both our own hands and soft massage balls, bolsters or even a blanket. We then move into some gentle pranayama, before resting into some restorative, cooling postures. 

We will end with relaxation and then gently reawaken with some more pranayama. 

This is class for everyone and anyone who needs DEEP rest, who feels tense at the start of the year, who feels exhausted, or who has long covid/similar longer term condition.  

Suitable for complete beginners or seasoned Yogis.


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